Sunday, October 12, 2008

Climb 2

Climb Number: 2

Date: 10/12/08

Location: N 45 13.879, W 123 11.8. (At the Cooperative Ministry labyrinth site).

Tree Type: Oregon White Oak (Quercus garryana)

Tree Name: (given) Lewa (named after a green Bionicle character)

Weather: Sunny, cool.

Placement: Big shot with 12 oz bag and Zing-it line. About 7 tries.

Rope: Poison Ivy, 200 feet

Anchor Type: Around single branch, slipped up with oval screw link and throw line for removal

Ascent: Petzel Ascension pair with straps (sewn in expertly at New Tribe)

Pitches: No additional pitches. A second climbing anchor was placed in a false-crotch style using a basket loop with webbing and a D screw link (pictured).

Movement in the tree:
Laynard and Cincher. Limb walking done using a Petzl I'D.

Decent: Petzl I'D. A second descent was done with a Petzl Piranha.

1) Anchor was high up a limb, and (although not necessarily a problem) it did sway with weight. A better position in that particular crotch would have been around the main limb and not the branch.
2) Wasps are a nuisance this time of year. No nests, but they tend to be frequent visitors.
3) From the photos, it looks like power lines run through tree. They are nearby, but do not touch the tree anywhere, and no rope or bag throws were made in a way that they would cross them.
4) Saddle belt still seems to ride high (middle abdomen), I need to continue to make adjustments to it.

Things that went well:
1) Ben accompanied me, and did some climbing on the second line that was rigged.
2) Tree is good to climb, accessible, and near-by. It has several great spots for a tree boat, and I hope to rig one next time.
3) Great weather
4) Limb walking went well. The moss is thick and lush on the branches, but I managed to not knock much off.

Additional Comments: I'll be back to this tree.

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